Ninette de Valois & Blessington

Ballet dancer and choreographer.

A beautiful woman!

She had elegance and poise.

A wonderful artist!

A will that brooked no opposition.

A determined lady.

Did not suffer fools gladly.

She could get things done.

She could manipulate.

She had a temper.

She loved pubs.

A glass of wine in hand.

She composed poetry.

She wrote short stories.

One about her Irish Nanny.

Annie O’Brien from Wexford.

What could she not do?

Managed to get hold of White Lodge,

  a one time Royal Residence.

Now a School of Ballet.

Lived through 3 Centuries.

Founder of English Ballet.

She hob-nobbed with Royalty

Princess Margaret a patron

Honoured by the Queen.

Memorial service in Westminster Abbey.

Someone to remember.

Worked with W.B. Yeats

at The Abbey.

Award from Eamonn Andrews –

  this is your life.

Born in Baltiboys House.

Loved her home.

Loved her life there.

Leaving, she tore her heart out and

   left it on the window cill.

She learned an Irish Jig

downstairs in the kitchen at Baltiboys.

It became a party piece.

She knew then she loved performing.

When she was born no fire was lit

on Fox Covert Hill.

She wasn’t the first born

She wasn’t a male.

She would light her own fire.

And she did.

“Don’t put your daughter on the stage, Mrs Worthington!”

pleaded Noel Coward on his knees

in an old musical.

But her mother did.

Born Edris Stannus.

Descendant of Elizabeth Smith

the famous diarist.

Her father died in WW1.

Her mother a famous glass maker

Her brother Trevor a soldier.

Her sister Thelma interred in Blessington.

along with Edward Hornidge.

Other brother a photographer.

Her ashes lie behind her beloved White Lodge

West Wicklow can be proud of her.

Eamon Andrews with de Valois.

Receiving “This is your Life”.

White Lodge, Richmond Park, London.
Baltyboys House where Edris Stannus was born

She lived from 1898 to 2001.

Any comments or questions would be welcome: To contact Jim Corley please click here